This lyrical, luminous animated short captures the moment in one widower's life when he finds hope and beauty during a dark time. Grieving for his late wife, he can't even bring himself to play music anymore. His world is quiet and lonely, and he's stuck in his sorrow and grief, unable to move forward. But then, at a small bird's insistence, he remembers music's intrinsic power to evoke, connect and heal.
It's an apt metaphor for a film about finding hope amid darkness. Intentionally lacking in dialogue, MORNING JOY relies on the universal language of music to drive the narrative, with the storytelling and visuals adding dimension and detail. All together, the elements achieve a catharsis for both the musician and the audience, coalescing into a wondrous display of joy and pure emotive power.
Morning Joy
Liaison Pictures
A depressed pianist is sitting at his instrument, trying to summon the energy and will to play and compose. Recently widowed, he can barely bring himself to do much of anything, much less play music. But when a cheerful bird lands in his window, the pianist finds himself engaged in an unexpected duet - one that both returns his zest for music and consoles him in his grief.